It looks like we are going to have a white Christmas in Indiana. How do I know that you ask......
And we are suppose to get more snow next week. It is really really cold here too so we might as well have a white Christmas. I love the shrubs with the lights on them when snow covers them as they shine through.
I took this one through the screen wire on our front porch, because I couldn't get the way it looked on the outside. The wire kind of makes it neat looking I think. They look like they have cool whip all over the top. So pretty.
These are the bushes that are in front of our screened in porch. Sure looks cold doesn't it?
We have been busy shopping for wedding dresses, baking cookies, and making Hard Rock Candy. We made five flavors this year: Wintergreen, Sprearment, Watermelon, Cinnamon, and Clove. Wow! When you put those oils in that hot hot syrup, the smell over whelms you. I have to keep my head way off to the side and not breath it in. The house keeps the smell in it for days. Hannah said when she grabbed her towels from upstairs you could smell the candy on them even. Makes us get into the holiday spirit when we make candy. We have done this for over 30 yrs. My parents started it and Art and I just kept the tradition going. As the kids have gotten older there is a tendency to have powdered sugar fights, as we toss the candy in it so it won't stick together.We all look clean at the moment, but that didn't last long. In a little bit faces, clothes, hair, chairs, all looking like we had been snowed on. It is messy but so much fun. I think the camera was tucked away somewhere safe when that was going on :))
Here is SIL Tom and I working with the Watermelon. Future SIL Dan and Hannah were on powdered sugar duty. Papaw was entertaining Meredith and Lindsay was also helping just not in this photo. You can see the next batch cooking on the stove with the candy thermometer. The kitchen is always a mess after doing this. But worth it. |
Meredith started to get antsy playing in the living room so Papaw had a brilliant idea. Do you know what they are doing???
They are breaking bread to go feed the turkeys, geese, and ducks. Even the goat loves it. In the winter it really keeps the fat on them and helps with the cold. Meredith loved this! Good job Papaw. |
She happened to turn around and saw Hannah taking her picture. She has gotten hi and bye down pat now and with the wave. :) |
I think the little birds will need ice skates on to enjoy this bird bath. They will enjoy it come Spring again though. |
I don't think I will be using this sage again until Spring like the birds in their bird bath. |
I love this picture of our outside lights because the little bird feeder shows up. Many people have called our house Little House on the Prairie because it resembles the Ingalls' home. I don't think they would have had Christmas lights electricity. :)
This Christmas just seems to be a little different than all the rest.
I haven't felt much like blogging because of what happened in Newtown last week. I felt guilty sharing any joy or any Christmas fun we were having when those families in CT were suffering so. Then I was reading last night and read something that changed my mind. In these times of saddness it is the normal routine of life that gives us hope to go on. To have the comfort in our lives of old traditions, love of family around, and knowing that Christmas will arrive as it has for many many years on Dec 25th. That because of Christmas we have the promise of better days ahead and that the families of Newtown will have the comfort and strength that they will need to get through this horrific ordeal. We must enjoy our happy times because we never know when they will end for us. This time last year we were mourning the loss of my Dad. So last Christmas had a dark cloud over it for awhile. This year we have little Meredith and she is at the age where she will bring so much joy and happiness into this house. Did I tell you she can say Aflac? So funny, not Mamaw or Papaw, but Aflac. Sounds so cute and sure makes you laugh. I hope all of you have a little someone in your world that will give you a wonderful Christmas. I have enjoyed getting to know all my blogger friends this past year, and hope to get to know more of you in 2013. I wanted to tell you all how much I appreciated the get well wishes you sent when I was under the weather, and for supporting me on this new adventure I have decided to try called blogging. I can't wait until we have more adventures to post and pictures of nature and the scenery we will be traveling through. Posts will probably not be too plentiful in the next few months because there is not much going on right now, until we hook up the trailer and hit the road again. So for now and from Thorntown we sends hugs and best wishes.